Here is a little about me!

 I am 23 years old. I'm a Sister, Daughter, Niece, Granddaughter, and Aunt (Which has to be my favorite). I grew up in a big family, I have six brothers &  two sisters and I'm a middle Child.

I'm from Kansas and might just be a little bit proud of it. I think Wheat fields right before they cut them are one of the most beautiful things to see. Oh and I might just be a little bit of a KU fan. I've only seen The Wizard of Oz once.

I love going kayaking, and pretty much love about any sport even though I'm not that good at any of them. But my favorites would have to be Basketball and Soccer. I also have just started running, so i have a love/hate relationship with it right now.

I love kids. I believe you can have some of the best conversations with kids, Sometimes better then you could with adults. They're the future.


11 Random facts about me:

1.) I love pickles.

2.) I love Coffee.

3.) I love to laugh and can find just about anything funny.

4.) I love older Movies/TV shows (Like black and white)

5.) I love Mexican food (i could almost live off it)

6.) I am horrible at spelling and grammar.(so Good luck with this blog)

7.) I can be very competitive (I blame it on having six brothers)

8.) I'm not a fan of eating Fish, but have decided I'm going to have to learn too,

9.) I love Sunflowers

10.)  I have a weird obsession with the cello. (I don't own one or even know how to play it)

11.) I also have an obsession with the Moon.


I hope you enjoy my blog! and i don't confuse you to much.