
The rumors are true! Thailand is a land flowing with fruit, smoothies and really, really good food. I feel like almost any world racer you’d ask they would tell you they loved Thailand. But sadly it is a country that is full of brokenness. From the tourists that come looking to find something to fill the emptiness in them, to people worshiping false gods, let it be Buddha, Money, and Ancestors.

This last month we got to work with Light House in Action. We worked in a café, went to Monk chat, went to the slums to just hang out with Kids who are at risk at ending up in the bars, and day and night bar ministry. So we had lots of options of what Ministry could look like.

My favorite was Monk Chat and Slums. Monk Chat wasn’t really ever what I thought it would be, I got to meet this Monk from India, we (two other girls) got to go over devotional books and explain them to him for hours. We didn’t see him turn away from Buddhism, but I still believe God is working on him and I do believe we were just a little part of his story, and God is not finished with Him yet. So please join us in praying for Sid(for short).

My other favorite moment from Monk Chat with one of my teammates was we went looking for this monk I had talked to the day before, but didn’t find him so we sat down and started trying to talk to a different monk, and this couple came and sat down with us. The poor monk I believe was visiting and didn’t speak English that well, so he got up and left. It was just us and this couple from Germany. So we started talking with them, and they started asking what we were doing and we got answer the question they had about what we believe and was just being able to share our faith. The lady seemed to be searching a lot for something to believe in, the guy on the other didn’t really seem very interested and what we were saying until I said something about God creating the Earth.

Those are just a few of my Favorite moments of this last month in Thailand.


Here is video about the ministry contact we were with.