Dear Friends and Family,
I'm excited to share with you what God has been doing in my life this last year. As a few of you know and got a support letter from me about this time last year, asking for you to support me on a mission trip in September of 2012. As I was going Ethiopia on a mission trip with a local radio station The House FM through One Child Matters. I am beyond thankful to God for allowing me to go, and for all of those who supported me. I met some crazy awesome people on that trip, got hit in the nose by one of my teammates, saw skunk monkeys, and fell in love with a bunch of awesome little kids. I fell in love with Africa; the one place I use to think I NEVER wanted to go. And now I've been there twice. (the first time was to visit my sister in Morocco).
Since then I have been waiting for the next opportunity for me to go. But, God was telling me to be content with where He has me. Don't get me wrong; I love where He has me. But I wanted to go and see the world. I've always said the best way to see the world would be to go on mission trips. Then a friend who went to Ethiopia with me posted a picture of one his friends shirt, because she was raising money to go on this 11-11 mission trip. Which of course, made me curious. So I of course went and looked it up, I started reading about it, and thinking about how awesome it would be.
That started the thinking process of it all. I definitely had some encouragement from my family and friends during this time. As I didn't want this to be a snap decision. I spent some time just praying about it, and had people praying for wisdom for me on this decision. I really didn't feel like I was getting a yes or no answer from God, I didn't know if I wasn't paying enough attention, or just really making sure it was the right decision. No matter where I went, either in church, Sunday School, or the Youths lessons all seemed to be mission minded, or on faith and how faith is action. I had a friend ask me half way through the process, what besides making sure it’s what God wants is holding you back? Well, there really wasn't anything. I knew I was going to miss my friends, family, and my amazing church family. But it was going to be worth it.
So, as I started reading a little more about it. The thought of not going made me extremely uneasy. As I contained to pray about it and just kept giving it to God. I just kept hearing “Go, Go, GO! Have faith! I've got your back!” So I'm excited to share with you that in January of 2014, I will be shipped out with a group people that will become my new family for 11 months to 11 different countries, spending a month in each one. To answer your curiosity, those countries will be: Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, China, Thailand, Cambodia, India, and Nepal.
I can't wait to meet my team that will become my new family for 11 months. I can't wait to grow in my walk with God. I believe this will be a major growing point in my life. I don't know where God will take me after this, but I know it will be amazing. For now I’m going to live in, what, and where He is taking me. Even though that means living in a tent and of out a backpack for 11 months and eating food that I might not find so appetizing. I still can't wait and am very excited. I can't wait to share it with you.
As some of the people have asked, “Why this route?” Well it wasn't my first choice, but as I was just late enough signing up that the route I had picked was already full. They said this was the next popular route. So I said sure, not really knowing where this route was even going. But I'm okay with it; it’s not where I'm going as much as the fact that I'm going. I believe it makes this route pretty special since God seems to have wanted me on it.
I will serve as a missionary through Adventures in Missions, in their World Race program. Through adventure, ministry, community, and self – discovery, World Racers develop broken hearts that propel their hands to act for God’s kingdom around the globe. On the World Race, my team and I will serve in partnership with churches and ministries in local communities to preach the Gospel, plant churches, work in orphanages, minister to women and children who are trapped in prostitution as a result of human trafficking, and bring the restoration and hope of the Father’s love to many tribes and nations.
So here I come humbly asking for you to pray and consider what God would have you do to help me with this mission. I would ask that no matter if you can give or not, that for these next months and year that you will just pray for my team and I. I'm sure we will have rough days and frustrating times. I'd ask that you would pray for safety and health for us. The other way you could help is by partnering financially with me in my ministry. I still must raise $11,285.00 in order to go on the World Race, which covers all of my expenses on the field, and the insurance to cover me while I'm gone. This financial support can be given as a one-time gift or as monthly donation, wherein you choose the amount and beginning and end date. Here is just an example that makes the total not such a big amount, if 50 people pledge $25 a month for 9 months or a $225 one time pledge I would have 100 percent of the funds necessary for my trip. No matter what you give or don't give. I'm excited to share this time in my life with you.
If you feel lead to embark in this journey with me. I have enclosed a response card and pre-addressed envelope, inviting you to share in this ministry. Please make checks payable to Adventures In Missions and return the response card with your donation to
Adventures In Missions, PO Box 534470, Atlanta, GA, 30353-4470. (They also suggest that you put my full name on the memo box of the check)
The response card will provide AIM with the information necessary to send you a receipt for your donation. If you would prefer to make your donation online, you may do so by visiting my blog site at : Just click the “Support Me” link in the upper left side of the page and complete your donation as instructed. Even if you do not donate online, if you go to you will be able to keep up with where I am on the race, and what God has been doing in my life.
I am so excited to see how God will move in my life and in the lives of others in the coming year. I hope not only to be a blessing to those I serve, but also to you. I would be honored to go as your representative to bring Christ Jesus to nations around the world.
I want to thank you in advance for your prayers and financial support.
May God bless you as you prayerfully consider partnering with me in this ministry.
Amanda Hobbs
Philippians 4:6, 11-14. Glations 6:9-10. Matthew 8:21
The first 50! Thanks Julia for helping me with these