Helloo from Lusaka, Zambia!!!



So it really happened, I am really on the world race! We arrived in Lusaka Monday afternoon.

It was not how we had planned to get there, but we made it. All safe and sound. We are staying in Lusaka which is the capital of Zambia. Our contact is having us stay at his house, which is very nice. Which also means no tent. I am using my sleeping pad and bag though. Collins(our contact) has three kids, which of course makes me happy. He has one girl and two boys. They’re cute and adorable.


So what have we been doing since we got here?


The first day we went to a school for orphans that also feed some of the elderly in the community. We just spent most of the morning until early afternoon. Then we moved on to the college we walked around and prayed, to prepare for the ministry we were going to be doing there the next two days. So we did outreach there talking to students and handing out bibles.

A few of the people I was able to talk to along with Hannah, there was two that really stuck out to me.

  1. We were just walking around and he said hello so we started a conversation with him. His name was Malack We asked if he knew Jesus and he told us no (this was the first person who had said no to us) Hannah went on to talk to him about who Jesus is and long story short. He shared with us that his brother was just talking to him the day before telling him that he need to learn about who Jesus was and have a relationship with him. We let him know about the church we are working with, and I’m praying he gets connected with a church.


  2. The next day, once again just walking around. We stumbled across another student his name was Thomas. “we asked him if he wanted a bible?”. He said :yes”, and we started to asked him “do you know who Jesus is?” and he said “yes”. “We asked if he had a personal relationship with him?” And he answered “That it was a difficult question to answer” we found out that he had some hard times in his life, We didn’t get to talk to him long. We were able to let him know about the church that we were working with. He found us later and came up to us and just kept thanking us for the bible.




Today, Friday they gave us the day off. Since Collins (contact) came down with malaria the second day we were here. But tomorrow we are going to go do some more out reach with a church. we will go to Church with Collins on Sunday.




As you can tell this didn’t get posted on Friday night or Saturday. So a lot has been going on. But I will work on a blog for all of that later. Everything is going good… we have had thunderstorms, which of course makes me happy and remind me of Kansas in the summer, but they don’t last very long.


Loving Africa