So I realized I haven’t shared much
about fun things or new experiences I’ve had thus far, so here, in
no particular order, are the top 25 new things I have done since
coming on the race…

  1. Swimming in the Caribbean

  2. Seeing a tarantula in the wild,
    and it being killed

  3. Crossing a border via bus and
    praying our way over it

  4. Having a lap full of orphans

  5. Translating for 6 other people

  6. Going door to door and talking
    with people about God and His Word

  7. Bucket showers

  8. Bucket flushing toilets

  9. Eating a chicken foot and mangu

  10. Waking to a cockroach IN my tent

  11. Hugging and comforting a crying

  12. Going over a Haitian mountain in a
    bus with no shocks, oh and there was off-roading involved

  13. Riding on the back of a moto,
    including off-road

  14. Consider a tent as my home and
    find comfort in the familiarity of it

  15. Plan in detail what will occur on
    a lay-over, especially what will be eaten

  16. Teaching English to children

  17. Speaking Creole

  18. Washing all laundry by hand

  19. Seen the oldest cathedral,
    military structure and road in all of the Western Hemisphere

  20. Translating and delivering sermons

  21. Haitian braids in my hair

  22. Constantly being stared at through
    windows and doors, feeling like a zoo animal

  23. Consistently waking early not
    hating the world, actually in a good mood a lot of times

  24. Sanding walls by hand

  25. Praising God and dancing with over
    60,000 Haitians in the streets on the first day of Carnival which
    starting this year had the first day dedicated to God

Anyway, I hope that gives you a glimpse
into all the crazy and unique things that have already happened in
the first month and half of the race….what will the next nine and
half behold?