After having surgery to remove the fluid from his lungs, my nephew is recovering well and breathing on his own again! I think he woke up for a little while too. So praise God and thank you for your prayers.
November 10
Nathan is out of ICU and will have to stay in the hospital another week or two. But praise God he’s okay and doing great. He even got a special visit from the mascot of the Seahawks (his all time favorite football team!)
In case you were wondering what exactly happened this is what my brother says:
“He had H1N1 which weakened his system and allowed for a staff infection
in his blood & lungs which caused pneumonia which caused his lungs
to fill with fluid and collapse which casued acute respiratory failure.
Basically, he quit breathing because had the swine flu, pneumonia, and
a staff infection all at the same time. The craziest part is that he
played football on the 31st and the next day he wasn’t breathing.”
Thank you all for your prayers and support!