I’ve recently been challenged to post more blogs and more
frequently…I’m sure you’ve noticed I’ve posted more than my norm the past few
weeks. I’m trying to rise to this challenge as best as I can, because I see the
importance in sharing what’s going on here.

That being said, things here have pretty much rapped up and
tomorrow morning we head for Siem Reap for a few days doing debrief and then
onto Thailand.

The past week has flown by, we spent the first part of the
week doing our normal routine of teaching English to the Good Shepard kids.
Then Wednesday we had to say bye to them. That was difficult but we got to hang
out with them in the evening singing all their favorite songs and giving them
all one last hug.

The second part of the week was interesting as Thursday I
went to the embassy to get more passport pages added. Then Friday we went to
minister at rubbish mountain (more on that later) and it was our last day of
ministry with Love and Action and it was difficult to say bye to the kids there
as well. Saturday we moved the YWAM base to a new house a few blocks from the
old one. It was a long and exhausting day for most, I was dehydrated and got
sick and was rendered useless the rest of the day. But after a lot of rest I
feel good today.

Well now it’s time for packing and a new adventure awaits
for me.

In case you were wondering, still don’t know what I’ll be
doing in Thailand but please be praying that everything gets lined up soon for
our squad.

PS I uploaded a bunch of photos, so if you click on the link “wish to view photos?’ and you can look at it.