Yesterday, Katie and I had the opportunity to meet with Sean Smith who just returned from the race a couple of weeks ago. There was so much said that it’s difficult to process it all, but I’m grateful for all the words he spoke. Meeting with this dynamic man of God has made me all the more excited and has made me see more of what God does in people’s lives and His miracles, just everything. At parting Sean prayed for us, I think it was one of the most amazing prayers anyone has prayed out loud over me. I’m believing that every word of it will come to pass in my and Katie’s lives.
For the next 21 days my church is doing a fast to grow in spiritual intensity in God. I’m very excited for this because God is going to do some amazing things and there will be large breakthrough. I know that there is no accident that God has placed me here right now to do this. This is exactly what I need to start my journey of preparation in my heart and in my spiritual being for the WR.
Thank you God for all you are doing in my life!