Ok, here goes, first blog.  Am feeling an enormous amount of pressure for this to be well written, funny, and full of deep truths.  Reality quote needed so I’ll quickly channel Jon Acuff, “We don’t get to choose a life full of home-run moments.” 

 All that pressure and expectation comes from within, a misplaced desire for a good thing.  So this is a statement for me, and for those who will be reading this blog over the next year, be warned!  These posts will not be pretty, chronically succinct, witty, or grammatically correct all the time, but they will be true.   A true account of what God is doing in my life through this trip, and His work in people’s lives the world over.  Because the truth is that it’s about what He’s done, doing, and going to do- that even makes this possible.  


I don’t leave for the World Race until July, but already God is working on my heart through this time of preparation and anticipation.  Sending out support letters, getting ready for a Trivia night fundraiser and packing up my apartment (yes I’ve already started because I am a procrastinator); all these things have impacted me in ways I didn’t expect.


Several things are coming to the surface, my love of comfort, solitude, and pride in independence.   Needing other people is not something I’ve ever been comfortable with, and is part of the reason why mission work has not been on my radar.  When I asked God to give me the desires of my heart, he did, and he has a sense of humor!  In praying that, a door opened for anything to be possible and the response amazed me.  That God is turning a selfish, comfort-loving heart into something new is proof to me that He is in the business of change.  More change to come!


The Trivia night I mentioned is on March 7th at 7pm in the Reber basement in Tower Grove, STL, MO.  This event is to raise support for 4 of us going on the World Race, Rebekah Bauman, Chris and Chrislyn Clermont, and me.  We attend the same church and are in the same community/small group.   I appeal for your prayers for our trivia night, and these last 2 weeks we have left prepare.  For more info on participating in the World Race Trivia night you can email me directly at [email protected].


Thanks for your support, and for beginning this journey with me. 

