South Africa.

It's everything I've always dreamed of but couldn't quite imagine. It's amazing how the Lord has put a love in my heart that I have never really understood but in the last 3 months being in Africa I've started to come to a better understanding of that love and or myself. The Lord creates us all with a specific purpose and calling on our lives, and Africa is mine. I don't know where, I don't know how, and I don't even know when, but I do feel a deep confirmation of my time not being finished in Africa. With only 6 days of ministry left on the race, I'm feeling the burn of life questions, like what to do next. I have no idea, and I know the Lord will reveal that in the proper time. right now all I can worry about is what's in front of me, and let me tell you, it is good. 


This month I have been incredibly blessed to work at a rehab center called Camp Joy. There aren't enough words for me to tell you how much I love it here. 

Cape Town is the gang and drug capital of South Africa. At Camp Joy, their goal there is to help drug/alcohol addicts and people who want to come out of life of gangsterism. Our main contact is a man named Devin, he has an impacting story of incredibly hard times and struggles. He is an deeply impacting force for the people at Camp Joy. He has a passion and a depth in Christ which pours out onto everyone he comes in contact with, and ringing in at the young age of 27 he's an inspiration to many who are much older than himself. He is surrounded by an amazing support staff whose lives are dramatic living testaments to God's glory. 

On our first day at rehab you might imagine that a house full of rehabbing addicts and gangsters would be a tad intimidating, but the people we met were loving and accepting. They graciously welcomed us and didn't mind that we were privileged American girls. Talk about humbling. Our teams are split between an after school program, a media and marketing group and Camp Joy. When I heard I had the option to go to rehab, I didn't want to be selfish but after I realized I had the decision, I jumped at it. There's something about that place that inspires the depths of my heart. Each day, it has been such a blessing to get to know the women and to hear their stories. In the morning and evening they have a devotional. They start their time by praising God, acapella style. It's one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard. They praise God with a passion that is contagious, and refreshing. Many of them aren't sure what they believe and they don't have all the bible knowledge but they are seeking to know more, and as they do, it's clear that the Lord is rewarding them with faith, love and passion. 

I have so much more I could say, but I've got to save that for later. 10 days until I come home! AH!!!