The last few weeks have been full of so much!

   We've continued to work with Pastor Arnold and he has used us in many different areas. 

Pastor Arnold is an extraordinary man of God. Even through the hardest of times, he continues to smile and shower people with the love of Christ. It's inspiring, to say the least.The first day we met him he had cookies and sodas for us!  He sacrifices what little he has to give to us in so many ways. 
  Throughout the past few weeks we have worked with him by painting parts of the Christian school, helping to build stoves for people who can't afford them, and teaching English to kids in the afternoons.
We were also incredibly blessed to have Russell., a man who partners with Agape in Action and he knows the language. Having him with us was really made a huge difference. Every day he loyally made time to drive us across town in a truck that we all piled into the back of and held on for dear life. Russell often stayed with us and helped us to get connected and to learn as much as possible.
  When we went to help build the stoves, we traveled into the backwoods areas around the town. It was intriguing to see places so far tucked away. Russell told us that it may have been the first time that some of the children had seen white people. It was wonderful to see their darling faces and get to play with them. It was humbling, to say the least, when the families sacrificed what little they had to feed us lunch


   It's amazing how the Lord uses people to work in each others lives. So often we feel that, as Americans, we're the ones that will bring so much goodness and healing and love, but in reality we receive even more from those we thought we were helping. A small amount given with a large sacrifice is much more meaningful than giving out of surplus. 
 Like the story in Mark 12  Jesus says about the widows mite "Assuredly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury. For they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood."
Pastor Arnold, Russell, and the families we visited all have it right, giving from the heart and giving without holding back. 
 Unfortunately, a few days ago, I came down with a unpleasant bug that put me out of commission for 3 days. I struggled with the feelings of helplessness and utter lack of ability to do almost anything. Even getting up and walking to the next room has been quite an accomplishment. But through that time, the Lord has shown me kindness through Dr. Street and Denise (who work with Agape in Action) and by a few very gracious squad-mates. My pride took a heavy beating as I saw, yet again, that I can not even accomplish the smallest thing in my own strength. 
Only a few days left in Guatemala…