It's time to go back to the dark ages.
I'm giving up internet.
My only connection to home, my only outlet for even a moderate amount entertainment, my first love. 
Wifi has become the apple of my eye, and with that I have had my mind and my heart in other places. 
This month that is going to change. 
It may seem like a small thing to give up, but in this World Race culture I've become quite reliant on it.
Usually wifi is the first thing we all run to on our days off. 
Whenever we get to internet, our faces are practically glued to the screens. 
This is no way to live. 
I have been highly convicted by the book '7' by Jen Hatmaker. 
If you're a person, you should literally go and buy it immediately. Pretty much the point of the book is that each month for 7 months she gave up something that was taking a hold in her life. 
You'll have to read the book to know how incredibly powerful this idea is. We waste an incredibly large amount of money and time on things that will never amount to anything.We are putting our love in the treasures we accumlate on earth instead of the treasure in heaven.
Anyway, I am starting tomorrow. I would appreciate prayer, it's not going to be the easiest thing for me. 
I'm incredibly selfish. I want what I want, when I want it. 
I'm afraid this month is going to reveal some very dark parts of who I am. In Luke 14:26-27 it says, "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters–yes, even his own life–he cannot be my disciple. And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple."

So cheers to smelling like John the Baptist, being mocked like Elijah, looking as crazy as David, and to journey following an all powerful and all consuming God. May His name be glorified.  It's all for you Lord.