KENYA and all of it's glory…. 


I found the middle of last month that our squad was not going to be able to obtain visas for India, inasmuch as I have always desired to go to India, the sting of the loss was quickly cured by the statement that we would be in Kenya in TWO WEEKS. I practically did a rain dance while still trying to stay quite because my teammate was sleeping. I was miming and feverishly motioning all sorts of excited gestures as I felt like a child on Christmas morning, or one of those people who have someone show up with a check for a million dollars at their house. 

Trust me, I'm not exaggerating. I have known all along that Africa held the last three countries in the line up but all the sudden it was happening so fast. Unfortunately in my half-crazed anticipation I must admit I had trouble focusing on where I was and the ministry in Cambodia, but God was faithful to remind me to 'be where I am'.

The journey to Kenya was a long one, We left on friday night on an overnight bus from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh, we then flew from Phnom Penh to Kaula Lampur, Malaysia from there we went to Hyderbad, India and then over to Dubai and from Dubai we touched down in Nairobi, Kenya. 


I was a glass-cage of emotions. I was all over the board, everyone was expecting me to be excited and smiling but yet now that my dream was coming true I didn't know how to act. It was all so crazy. And nothing was like a dreamed. I know, I know..release expectations. It was happening so fast. So many questions that had been in my head for so long were about to be answered. My mind was a mess of confusion and excitement. For so long on the race Laura and I have told each other, 'Just get to Africa' whenever we were frustrated and overwhelmed, just remember 'Just get to Africa' and now I'm here. It's like the top of the mountain after a 7 month hike…WOW.

Kenya is truly amazing. The people are incredible. I am in heaven. It amazes me that all my life I could dream of something I've never known. The Lord put a people group on my heart so dearly that I had never even come in contact with. 

As if all this isn't enough, at the end of the month our parents have been invited to come on a short-term missions trip to Kenya. In my wildest dreams, I never thought my parents would travel overseas, let alone to AFRICA and yet the Lord has bigger plans. I cannot begin to describe to you how wonderful it will be reunited with them AND in a place my heart has always longed for. What a blessing to work with them in incredible ministries, and see how the Lord reveals more of Himself through the experiences they will have. 

Could it get any better than this?