Dear Precious Supporters,
I need to apologize for my most recent blog. I was asked to post the blog that my squad wrote and I did not read it prior to posting it. After reading the blog, it became apparent to me that the more vigorous nature of the post should have absolutely been accompanied with a strong message of gratitude toward the people that have supported me. I became fully funded at the very beginning of the Race. That in itself is phenominal. I know without a shadow of a doubt that the Lord worked through you to provide. I know that you have made incredible sacrifices to allow me to serve this year. I WOULD NOT BE ON THIS RACE WITHOUT YOU. I do not serve alone. I do not consider you supporters, as much as I consider you to be co-laborers with me. Together, you and I, have had the blessing to love on lepers, widows, homeless, confused teens, street kids, orphans, gypsies, the rich, the poorest of poor, the oppressed, the brokenhearted, the hurting, the helpless, those who don’t know God, those who love Him with all their heart. It is 100% through YOU that ministry was able to take place.
Yes, my squadmates need support. But if you are not able to give at this time, or if the Lord is not leading you to give, PLEASE PLEASE know that you have already made an INCREDIBLE investment toward’s God’s kingdom. Please do not feel guilty if this is not a season you can give.
You are beyond appreciate. I wish that the words could do justice to the extent of my gratitude.
So so blessed by you.