Hi friends!

I’m in Cambodia right now! I just wanted to let everyone know my ministry for the next month among other things. The first bit of news is team changes. All of our teams went through transition at the end of the Philippines and I am now on team Citizens of Hope! I still have Chris, Victoria, Lisa, and Courtney on my team, but Liz is now one of our squad leaders :), Jed was switched to a different team and in their stead are Kerry Bates and Red Dave (David Stothart)! YAY!! Chris is our new team leader and already he is rocking it.

There are a few more posts that I want to put up about my time in the Philippines, but shady internet has prohibited me to post pictures, etc. I will put up those blogs when I have the chance!

On the note of internet, I won’t have access to the internet this month. We will be in Kampot which is a more remote village south of Phnom Penh. We will be teaching English, leading Bible Studies, and building relationships with the people of the village! Please lift our team up in prayer!!

I am really excited about our ministry and Citizens of Hope. The Lord is going to do big things!! J