In America, the land of excess, we always want more.

          More money..   More success..   More food..   More praise..   More pleasure..

We constantly want more.

We reach our self-defined goal and instead of feeling like we have enough, we want more. So we toil and labor yet again for the next peak, the next experience of gratification. We are constantly striving, constantly searching for satisfaction in things or in statuses.

What if I told you this desire was good? That this desire was actually Godly?

Would you believe me?

Because it is! God is constantly searching for willing hearts that crave more but it is a different kind of more. He is looking for people who want to toil and labor for a living where they give and receive more love, more joy, and more satisfaction in life.

“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” – 2 Chronicles 16:9

But these things don’t come easy, in fact, it will be rather hard.  You have to rid yourself of earthly riches to inherit heavenly treasures. You have to toil and labor not for earthly praise and glory but for the glory and praise of your heavenly Father.

It will not be easy but He does promise us one thing..

It will be worth it when a life is changed because of your generosity.

It will be worth it when the food you had stored up in your cupboards finds a home in a hungry belly.

It will be worth it when the clothes crammed in your closet are free to flow on the body of someone in need.

It will be worth it in the satisfaction you get from using your blessings to bless others.

It will be worth it.

Are you ready for a life of more? A life where mundane routine turns into an exciting adventure with the Creator of the world?

If so, ask Him today.. “Lord, you have blessed me with so much excess show me how to steward my time, my resources, and my talents for your kingdom and your glory.”


“From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” – Luke 12:48