No one told me it would be this hard.

No one told me there would be so many lies, so much deception.


Every moment, every second is a battle.

It never stops.

It won’t stop. No matter how hard I try.


I think I am one step ahead and find myself in an ambush.

I feel overwhelmed, burdened, hopeless.


I think I have enough strength to resist and then I find myself giving in to the temptation. I am not strong enough. I will never be strong enough on my own.


I feel like the wayward Israelites who after 40 days without Moses’ guidance rejected The Lord God who performed countless miracles, including creating a dry path in the middle of a sea (which in some places is thought to have been more than 7,200 feet deep and more than 100 miles wide!), to free them from 400 years of slavery to the Egyptians.


It didn’t take them long from when they fled a lifetime of captivity, in fear of their lives, to lose sight of all God did for them and seek worldly pleasures to worship. Me and you may not have a golden calf in our home, but let me tell you I am constantly fighting the battle to keep shrines from rebuilding in my life. Golden calves that try to disguise themselves as…



In a world where I am told my value and worth are in my accomplishments, in how many Facebook friends I have or which parties I get invited to, God tells me I am enough. He chose me! He calls me a holy princess, all for Himself; because he loves me for me. Not because of my resume. Not because I got a trophy one time. But because I am His daughter. – 1 Peter 2: 9-10.


I live in the illusion that if I just try harder, work longer, sacrifice more I will control my destiny. When in reality, the need for control is controlling me.


If I lose control and become disheartened, perfectionism is quick to whisper in my ear, “Maybe if you hadn’t made that mistake. Maybe if you were better, everything would still be… perfect.”


The quest to deem any good-looking, single man who likes similar things and is quick to smile my soul mate will probably lead down a road of heartbreak and loneliness, not the place true love hangs out…


A little white lie never hurt anyone… It’s in the gray, so… I might as well. If I just keep this one in the dark, no one has to know the truth.


The advertisements vying for my attention promise happiness if only I purchase the latest “must- have item” for two small payments of $19.99! Sometimes I fail to read the fine print that states with each new purchase I make in search of satisfaction I in fact add another brick to my altar of materialism.


Distractions are everywhere. Deception is rampant. The battle for our time, money, and devotion are constant. So how do we fight back? How do we advance in this battle? I went to the best resource I know and this is what I found:


“Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring to you today. The (idol shrines) you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” – Exodus 14:13-14.

And again…

“Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.” – 2 Chronicles 20:15


God is fighting with us! God always fights for His children.


God wages the war, but we have to allow Him to join our ranks. So don’t be dismayed, don’t feel burdened or overwhelmed, instead give the idols to God.


This is our part. This is where we show up to the fight.


It’s not easy. It’s won’t be fun all the time either; for, we like the temporal pleasure of being praised for our accomplishments or walking away in a pair of shiny new heels. But how much greater is the eternal joy when we are no longer shackled by the yoke of slavery.


So I’ve had enough, I’m calling it quits, I’m giving up.

I’m surrendering it all to God, will you?


I challenge you to take the next 40 days to strive to identify and rid your life of all idols that stand in the way of loving God, “with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength”. – Matthew 12:30


Take the challenge and see what true freedom feels like.

I will be praying for you, God bless.