A glimpse into my thoughts the days leading up to today, my first day on the field.

Thursday I depart for Guatemala which will be the first stop on my 11 month, 11 country mission trip and today marked the last of my goodbyes to those I love. It didn’t seem real that I was having dinner with friends and giving hugs to say good-bye for 11 months. It didn’t seem real that the phone conversations I had with friends calling me to talk one last time really would be the last time we spoke before I left the country. It didn’t seem real  that the hug from my grandpa would be the last for 11 months…

It didn’t seem real until last night.

You see, I  have done a really good job of keeping myself busy with the preparations of arriving on the Race that it didn’t really hit me that I was going to be leaving until I arrived at Launch in Atlanta. For those of you who know me well you know while I may not be one of few words, I am one of few tears.

But periods of Launch brought many tears as I reflected on the blessings of loved ones in my life and how I wouldn’t see them for at least 11 months. God has blessed me by placing these people in my life and many of them sent me to the field with letters to help encourage me when I need their love the most. While I will be traveling to many nations this year I will also miss out on extraordinary and everyday moments in loved ones lives. I know nothing will make up for a missing presence but I wanted to leave you with a letter as well:

Think of one thing this year that would challenge you and try your hardest to do it. And remember, if you don’t succeed by the world’s standards that is okay. The decision to challenge yourself was the real success.

Think of all our memories in days when you miss me and know that we will make many more.

Think of me often but know that I am safe, I am loved, I am in God’s hands.

Know that you are a strong individual and can do great things but don’t forget that if you ask for God’s guidance you can do AMAZING things.

Know that I am proud of you and that the parts of your story you want to hide or be shamed by are the parts God wants to use to lift others up and bring them close to him; do not be afraid.

Know you are loved by me in all things and at all times.

I await the day when I can once again see your face but I look forward to hearing the ways in which we will both grow this year.

You are loved. You are cherished. You are chosen to walk a journey with Jesus, will you listen to know what that journey is?
