Dear Friends and Family,

I am writing this letter to update you on my newest adventure with The World Race. The World Race is an 11 month long mission trip to 11 countries. I will be working in orphanages, befriending prostitutes, building houses and everything in-between. Joining me on this adventure will be approximately 50 young adults from across the country and a 50 lb backpack. This pack will contain everything I “need” as well as my home (a 5×7 ft tent) and my vacation home (a hammock). Talk about a simple life.

My route for this race is: The Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, and Latvia.

So why the World Race? You and about a hundred other people are wondering the same thing. I know, 11 months is a long time. However, once I came to the point in my life where Jesus was absolutely number one, nothing else mattered. Not distance, time, comfort, money, success, or even my fear of what could happen. So in all of this, I’ve asked God to take the great life he has promised me, and simply make it extraordinary. To lead me on adventures, to let me tell people’s untold stories, to break my heart and rebuild it how it was supposed to be, and to fight for the weak ones.

This is where I need your help. First of all, I am looking for support through prayer. I believe that prayer can change things and I hope to have several people come around me and pray for this trip. Secondly, I am looking for financial support. The total cost of the trip is $16,500. I know what you’re thinking, “that’s a lot of money!” However, Jesus has already surprised me in so many ways; I would be crazy to think he wouldn’t show up this time. Especially because this trip was his idea in the first place.

If you are interested in financially supporting me or following these adventures through my blogs, please go check out my website at

Thank you for your love and support!

Amanda Ferrell