The thin walls of my tent don’t keep out much other than the

The thin walls of my tent don’t hold much in other than the
explosion of my laundry.

These thin walls have become a sanctuary this month for me.
As much as I dreaded having to use my tent and my sleeping pad, I have come to
love them. When I am in my tent with the door and windows zipped I am as
“alone” as I can be while living with 40 other people.

These walls don’t keep out the noise of people singing and
laughing and coughing and crying.

These walls don’t keep out the smells that come with living
in community.

These walls don’t keep out the sound of the trucks that are
constantly passing by or the birds throughout the day.

These walls don’t keep out the dirt and the dust from
sanding the walls.

But these thin walls are as close to home as I can get.

These thin walls see me at my worst and at my best.

These thin walls don’t keep out much, but I am grateful.

Community living is interesting. 

It has it’s ups and downs.

But, I wouldn’t give anything to trade this year of my life with the life I had at home. I love being here. I love the family I have in my squad. 

I love getting to serve with people whose hearts are bigger than the mountains and valleys surrounding us. 

Thank you for being a part of my journey and for supporting me. At this point I am $200 away from my deadline. I love you all so much. Thank you for not letting me come home. Thank you for desiring God’s will for my life, above desiring to see me more. 

I am $200 away from heading to Romania.

Can you be the one to get me there?