So remember that time I told you that God was just procrastinating?

I wasn’t kidding!

Sunday was the deadline. 
Basically what happened without going into all the details… God provided the rest of my money in my account which was riding the line between $1700 and $1800. 

With all of the donations that have come in over the past week, I will be meeting the deadline once everything processes through on my account. If you were one of the people who gave thank you so, so, SO much for this blessing!!! I cannot thank you enough. Especially to the people who don’t even know me. Thank you!!!!

Last week I had pretty much given up hope and was preparing my heart to make the decision to leave later or not at all. Then, BAM. God rocked my face off. I pretty much had a conversation with God that went like this. 

Amanda: “God if you want me to do this, you are gonna have to blow up in my face because I am done trying. I can’t make people give. I hate asking any more. I am done. I think you really don’t want me to go, because if you really did I would be fully funded by now.”
God: “hahaha that’s what you think.”
Amanda: “no, but seriously. There is no way im gonna make it.”
God: “hahaha that’s what you think. remember that time you blogged? yeahhhh”
Amanda: “yeah I know… but I didn’t want to be serious about that. I didn’t think I was serious.”
God: “hahaha…. chillax”
Amanda: “yeah, i won’t hold my breath.”

then God was like: “oh hey Amanda, check it. i still love you. i still want you to do this.”
36 hours. over $1700. 
My God is so cray cray.
There is no doubt this is where I need to be. 

Hello Ft. Laudie for launch in 19 days.
Hello Guatemala!!!!
Hello D Squad!!!
Hello Night Vision!!!