I am officially World Race Alumni!!! 

I left Penang, Malaysia at 3:00 pm. malaysia time on sunday the 2nd, flew out of KL at 2:45 a.m. malaysia time monday the 3rd. arrived in Shanghai, China Monday the 3rd at 8:00 a.m. china time, flew out at 1 pm, and arrived at LAX on Monday the 3rd (take two) at 8:05 a.m…. Monday december third was officially the longest day of my life as I got to live it basically twice.

Our squad arrived in LA an hour early, then I watied around for a while for my ride to pick me up. Once she got there we drove down to Ramona, California where I was overwhelmingly blessed with some new clothes, jewelry, other random gifts, a hot shower, couches, carpet, a GIANT fluffy towel, and delicious food. I stayed up until 8:00 p.m. which was really like noon on Tuesday Malaysia time meaning I had been awake/travel sleeping which is not really sleep for over 48 hours. Crazy!! But I got to sleep in a wonderful, amazing bed where I finally needed a blanket to sleep. I can wear long sleeved shirts and jeans here and the leaves have changed colors and are falling off the trees. My second day in California I woke up, had a delicious cheese omelet and coffee then went shopping for more clothes, got some starbucks [pumpkin spice latte for the win!], and went grocery shopping. I also got a new sim card for my cell phone and have been texting away. 

Today is my third day in California and just over 48 hours away from my squad. It is so strange to be without the things that were normal on the race. Being without my race family has been hard, and alone time is strange, but it is also still so normal because I kind of forgot that this was what my life was like for the 23 years before I went on the race. It's not like I just forgot how to be alone, I just got used to being surrounded. Being alone isn't all bad though.It is a little bit weird when I am making food or when we went shopping, I thought it was strange that I didn't have to consider 5 other people when buying groceries or stick to our $3.75 a day budget. It is weird getting free refills or ice in my drink that I don't have to worry if it is filtered or not. 

I just got to see two girls from my last team. We went to lunch and just hung out for a little while. It was interesting to see them and hang out with them in America where we arent doing ministry together, we are just friends. The next time I see them will be in January. After hanging out with them today, I feel like it will be easier to enter back into the relationships I have in Michigan. I already feel like it is easier. Not that I enjoy leaving them at all, just that I know that no one else can experience what we had on the race. No one else will get it, but we do and nothing will change that. 

I will be hanging out in California until next week then I will be heading to Grand Rapids for a few days before I head home to Peck!! This year has been so wonderful and I am excited about a few of the options I have coming up in the next few months!!

Much Love from AMERICA!