In the last 9 months I have gotten used to being dirty all the time.
I have gotten used to wearing the same clothes 3-4 times before washing them.
I have gotten used to only showering 1-2 times a week.
Dirty is the new normal.
Then Thailand happened.
We live in the city. It is hot and humid every day. Even though I am adjusting to the heat I still sweat like crazy and my favorite activity is sitting in front of the fan trying not to sweat.
In Thailand it is not like Africa. Newsflash. I'm not in Africa anymore. Here people actually care more about their hygiene than some people in America do. People here shower twice a day as a custom. I mean… if course with the heat and all it is kind if useless because the second you turn off the water you're already sweating again. But it is gross enough to desire two showers a day.
At first it was like heaven to me. But that wore off. After taking a total of 16 showers in the three months I was in Africa (including bucket showers), showering daily seemed ridiculous let alone taking two showers in one day.
It is a bit of an overload.
I struggle with forcing myself to take two showers a day… some days even one. I feel like I don't need it yet… like I'm not dirty enough. Remember?
Dirty is the new normal… well apparently Thailand didn't get that memo.
It seems ridiculous to me to use those extra products and spend more money on said products and water when you could save so much just by cutting daily showering in half.
As I was thinking of how to make this blog more than just complaining about having to shower too often, God gave me an analogy. Sometimes we walk (or sit or stand or lay) in our sin. We sit there and soak in it trying to act like it is not happening. We wear it around day after day without washing it. Like your favorite jeans that aren’t REALLY comfortable until the second or third day. We walk around with a stain on our shirt from lunch… three days ago. We tell ourselves it isn't a big problem. It is inconvenient or annoying to clean it up when we could "just deal with it" for a few more days. We wait until we absolutely cant stand it any more and THEN we take it to get fixed. But the solution is in front of us. We could clean it up the same day… twice if we need to.
We have the opportunity to come to the water of the Lord and be washed and refreshed daily. We can come on the morning before our day has really begun. We can cast aside every unfocused thought -metaphorically the dirt and sweat from the night. We can become clean and ready for a day with and for the Lord. Then we can come to Him at night. Let him cleanse us from the sweat and grime from the day and and stains that may have dropped ob our shirt. We could bring it to him immediately. Stains are so much easier to get out if you take care of them right away.
But often… too often, we continue on in our clothes and our sweat. We get dirtier than we desire and act surprised when after our shower his refreshing it really was… with thoughts of "I should dobthis more often."
So this month, whether I shower twice a day or not in real life is besides the point. But having my spiritual refreshing and renewal every day… now that is when we are getting somewhere. Spending time with Him when I rise and before I lie down are the true showers I need to be taking. Spending an ample amount of time with the Lord in scripture and seeking to hear his voice… now that is worth doing. Pressing in to those places and letting him remove my stains immediately hurts sometimes. But it is so good in the end.
Twice daily real showers with water that I'm allergic to (yes my skin acts us and itches like crazy after showering)- probably not gonna happen
Twice daily spiritual showers letting the Lord cleanse me- yes please. And this month is the perfect month to dive into that.
Much love,