Hola Amigos!!
So we have two weeks left here in Honduras. My time on the race is
seriously flying. I can’t believe it is already almost the end of month three.
So with this two weeks left that we have I still have not met my next deadline
for fundraising. I have slowly been getting some funds trickling in, and I am
not at all worried about what is going to happen with my account. I am actually
really excited to see how God decides to show up. Whether you are reading my
blog for the first time ever or whether you are a regular reader I encourage
you to really think about what I’m doing. Like really.
I am living on about $9 a day. That includes all of my food,
my lodging, and my transportation. This month I am living in a tent city, on my
sleeping pad. I have learned how to make my tent space my own and even though
it isn’t sound proof, it is my safe haven. I have fallen very much in like with
rice, beans, tortillas and sandwiches. The ministry we are doing is beautiful.
The property where we live is beautiful. Each day I wake up thankful to be
here. I love my team and my squad. And at this point in my life I could not
imagine doing anything else.
Something I have really adopted into my life is that if my
feet are not dirty by the time I crawl into my tent, and if it is absolutely
necessary for me to give my feet a baby wipe bath every night, it was a great
day. So far that has been every night for me. My feet are always dirty; my
clothes haven’t been washed in about three weeks; I have taken one shower in the
last 6 days; but
[[ God is meeting me in this place ]]
He is meeting me to heal.
He is meeting me to grow.
He is meeting me to be pushed and to push others.
I am still $2850 away from my deadline and if I don’t make
this deadline, I will be sent home instead of being able to continue on to Romania, Ukraine,
Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda,
Thailand, Cambodia, and Malaysia.
I am not ready to come home yet. And I know that you all
aren’t ready to see me yet.
What can you do to help keep me here?
Much love,