This is one of my favorite videos. Mostly because it is hilarious and also because in so many of the christian communities I have been a part of this is the language that we use so very often. I just wanted to provide a hopeful chuckle with this video. 

Sometimes I take myself too seriously and don’t take the time to laugh at how ridiculous and hilarious life is. At this point I have just few days left to be fully funded in order to make it to final debrief with D squad in Cambodia. As I have shared my fears with some of my friends they have said things to me like : “If God wants you there, you’ll be there.” or “Just keep praying.” or “Well I guess all you can do now is pray.” or “Trust that God’s got this.” 

The reality is though, those things didn’t really help. Not because they aren’t good things to say, but because I have become numb to them. They didn’t help because it is like the fact that I am fearful or sad about it isn’t really acknowleged in those statements. The reality is, that it is hard. It is hard to invest and care so deeply for 45 people who I might not get to see again. When I said my “see you laters” in Zambia, I wasn’t ready for that to be the last time I saw them. The reality is I want to be there to tell them that they finished well. I want to rejoice with them on healing and breakthrough and joy of what this last 11 months was for them. But, the reality is… I probably won’t get to, which breaks my heart. 

So I am taking the joy in strides today and I’m going to play the thankful game.

Today I am thankful for:
My mom taking me out to lunch
wifi that works
facebook messenger to talk to my friends around the world
my dog eating snow and coming inside with a hilarious snow beard
videos on youtube that just make me laugh

I have until Sunday- March 1st- five days- to get about $2500 into my account. Or I will not be able to go to Cambodia. I have seen God work some amazing miracles in funding. But I have also experienced it when He doesn’t provide. Whether it happens or not, I will still keep loving D squad. It would just be nice to love them face to face one more time. Please help me get to do that.

Much love,


Now have a laugh at these dumb things christians say. =]