So for the past few days I have been on vacation in California!!! I am here to celebrate the wedding of one of my very good friends. I got here 10 days before the wedding so that we would have some time to spend together, so that I could help with wedding stuff and all that jazz. I am loving it so far. It was definitely a much needed break from work and from being so close to the same things all the time. Don't get me wrong, its not that I don't love Newaygo. I enjoy it there. But there is just something about traveling and not knowing what they day will hold that gives me excited butterflies in my stomach.

When I leave for the Race I know that I will have that "honeymoon phase" with it. I already know it will be there. I know that there will come a time when I will want to go home, that I will be tired, that I will just want to eat normal food again, that i will want some alone time. But for now, I am have excited butterflies to spend time in community, to not know what is coming next, for plans to change in an instant just so god can take my heart and remind me that he is in control of everything.

For now though, I am enjoying myself in the company of my dear friend Melinda. Getting excited and ready for her wedding and all that comes with it. 

I was also able to meet a girl from my squad. She and I got to meet up on my first night here in San Diego and we got some coffee and just hung out for a little while. She is super awesome and it made this seem so much more real. We talked about some fears and some things that we can't wait for. We will be hanging out again soon at least one more time while I am in california.

As of right now I have 64 days left until training camp and approximately 150 days until I leave!!!!