Hello all!!

So obviously $15,500 is a lot of money to raise… on top of that getting money for all of my gear, my insurance, shots, money to pitch in for getting to training camp, and getting to an undertermined (at the moment) major US city. BUT we are getting there. we are working towards this goal and it is going pretty well. 

Here is another opportuity for YOU to help!!

This November I will be turning 23 years old. I am starting this now so that people can start doing it now. I am asking that instead of presents this year for my birthday that people would donate $23 to my world race. Hence– 23 for 23. 

Just for fun here is a list of 23 things about the RACE broken into a couple of categories:

Looking forward to leaving behind:
1. My cell phone (it really has become an extension to my hand. I can't wait to feel like i don't need it with me at all times)
2. Television (when my family moved into our "new house" 10 years ago we didnt have a TV in the living room. this meant more time not staring at a box and more time with each other)
3. My job at the FD (i am pretty sure this needs no explanation)
4. "American Time" (things happen differently in other countries. not that I am looking forward to being impatient sometimes, but rather letting things happen when they happen.)
5. Unlimited internet access (yes, i am one of those people who is on facebook FAAAARRR too often for my own good. I am excited for some space from internet)

Looking forward to doing:
6. Holding orphans (I don't care where, I just can't wait to have some orphans in my life)
7. Travel days (I might sound crazy, but it is true.)
8. Waking up every day to scenes that most people only see on National Geographic.
9. Spending time with people who don't even know who Jesus is.
10. Hearing the stories of my team, my squad, and random people and letting them know that their story is important. 
11. Sharing my story with people.

Things I think and know  I will miss about the states:
12. The use of "western toilets"
13. Being able to just get in the car and drive somewhere
14. My family
15. My church family and my students.
16. Air conditioning 

Things I am for sure taking with me:
17. Computer
18. A deck of cards
19. Flip Flops
20. My tie-dye t-shirt I made in Romania last summer
21. Camera
22. Bible
23. My favorite hoodie

There you have it. I was having issues coming up with a few things. But you get the idea. 
$23 is a group of friends pooling their money together once a month instead of going to get coffee.
$23 is less than what it would cost for TWO people to eat at Applebees one time (plus tip)
$23 is approximately what it would cost you to buy two CDs
$23 can help me reach my goal.

It can be more than $23, but for this specific fundraiser $23 is all I'm asking for. 
It would be really sweet if I could get at least 6 people/families/groups to sponsor me with this $23 a month for 11 months. 

Love to you all!! <3 