Confession. I’m addicted to the Word of the Day. Yes, Merriam-Webster is my homepage. You all now know how much of a geek I am. I can’t help it—I like words! I love seeing what the online word of the day is before I check my email. I don’t know what it is about it, I just can’t stop. Expanding the vocabulary is what it’s all about. And call me crazy but there’s nothing better than using my newly understood word in context and that is just what I intend to do today!

Today’s word: Garrison finish

: a finish in which the winner comes from behind at the end

Example sentence:
In an amazing Garrison finish, the home team, down by two, scored three goals in the final minutes to win the soccer championship.

It’s more of a catchy little phrase really that originated from a 19th-century American jockey known for his spectacular come-from-behind wins. An interesting word of the day… I’m usually not one for the catchy phrases, give me a big long word that’s hard for the average Joe to say and then I’m really happy. I feel smarter…much more smarter…heh.

So my thoughts on the Garrison finish…I feel like many of us World Racers are in excellent positions for this Garrison finish. What I mean by that is I think many of us are behind. I know I’m behind. I’ve barely made it past week one in the Warrior Journal we’re supposed to be reading, I’m still snowshoeing through listening prayer at a true snail-like pace. I have yet to find some good hiking shoes and my list of little things I need to do before we leave in a month and a half keeps getting longer and longer!

What I’m really in need of, and would think many of the other racers are in need of is a sweeping Garrison finish…to come up from where we’re lagging behind and with a burst of speed come to Mexico on Dec. 31st prepared and raring to go! I know I want this to be the picture of me and my teammates. I don’t want to simply ho-hunker my way down to Matamoros thinking of all the things I’ve left behind unfinished, halfheartedly stepping into something I’m not fully prepared to do. And so I pray…

Lord, give us a push! We need your help to move us forward to truly prepare us for this journey. Many of us are “behind” and need you to help us prepare. Will you impart this Garrison finish over us as we seek to win this race and come out ready and able to go into the world for your glory? We need you Lord—thank you for your continued provision!