I love that God is faithful.  I knew from the beginning that I was supposed to be on this trip–that He was calling me to the nations for this season…and I knew that I had to trust Him for the means to get there.  Support raising has never been my favorite thing (I mean, who
really loves it??), but I’ve never seen God provide in such amazing ways than I have with this.  I shared before that I was very close to the cut-off point–the place where I’m dangerously low on funds and AIM may have to send me home because they can’t spend money on me that’s not there to spend.  I had only a tad over $6,000 and within a few weeks my account has jumped to over $10,000!!  Praise the Lord, right??

this girl is such a stinker...i love her mischieviousness
BOYS! ...at iris orphanage in morrumbala

I’m so thankful for everyone who has contributed to my journey around the world.  I KNOW that I would not have been able to make it without your support.  Yeah, I’ve spent some of my own money to get here and I think that’s okay, but I know the Lord has called others to join with me on this journey too.  I’m not a lone ranger out to discover the world on my own.  I need the church, I need the body,
I need
you.  It’s really that simple and oh, how it encourages me to recieve from those of you I
know are not rich and living a life of luxury.  Giving to this cause stretches you too, just as it stretches me to go.  Thank you for taking this step of faith to partner with me, with the other racers, and ultimately with the Lord.  YOU ARE A HUGE BLESSING!  Thank you.


I just
had to post a blog telling about how good our God is andwhat He’s doing.  Nothing’s easy…nothing…but with HIM, it’s always better.  🙂  And if anyone out there still wants to contribute to the cause, I am still in need of some funds and a small business I know of will match any donations given up to $738 for me.  Thank you in advance if you are able to give and thank you for joining my journey financially or otherwise.  Your encouragement and your prayers mean just as much as the money in the account–actually even more!  Just knowing there are people on the other end of these blogs makes me smile.  Thank you for taking time to invest.  God truly is almighty and His ways are good!