A fabulous idea that one of my housemates had was to draw names out of a hat and write a blog about that person.  Not only will this help to foster more community within our group, but allow our supporters and friends a glimpse into the lives of some of the people that make up this ComLife team.  I hope you’ll enjoy my latest post about Shaye and also read on about what Teresa shared below about me. 
Thank you, T for your encouragement in this blog!  I love you!
I feel so blessed to share my life with these guys!  God knows what he’s up to!

Amander ๐Ÿ™‚


Posted in General Articles by Teresa Tucker on 3/10/2009

For the past 6 months that I have been here in Georgia I have shared my ups, downs, and lessons. Mentioned my community and roomates but little has been said specifically about my roomates.  I’d like to take time to talk to you about one of my housemates in particular.
Her name: Amanda Dums. The one and only ๐Ÿ™‚
It has been a pleasure to live in community with her. Amanda is one of our leaders in the house with Community Life. When I think of Amanda, words like creative, fun and bold come to mind.  I also think of nature when I think of her, she loves being outside!  Along with her mad knitting and sewing skills, this Wisconsin native is always trying to find new and different ways that our group can be challenged in our spending time together as well as in our spiritual lives. There is definatley more to her than Wisconsin cheese and farms ๐Ÿ™‚   She brings to this group community experiences from The World Race as well as her time in Cairo, IL and it shows. She has ease and is comfortable with us.  Her smile lights up the room and her laugh is infectious. I am thankful for the joy and spirit she brings to this group.Upon meeting Amanda I think the first “vibe” I got was that of a mother. (She’s not going to like that I said that :P) But really that’s her nature, to nurture. I appreciate her caring instincts and qualities. To seek people out and to be aware of what’s going on around in the people around her.
Along with that is her nature to ask questions and stir up conversation. She asks the hard questions, challenges us to come face to face with things that we need to look at and is good at bringing us back to the purpose and point of things when we derail or go off topic.  I also appreciate the way that she helps to see the positive. Sometimes in our personal lives as well as in community it is easy to focus on the negatives or on the things that we struggle with. She is always quick to also highlight the good, which is very much needed.
I appreciate everything she has done and contributed to this group.  
Personally I have gained alot from her experiences, encouragment and challenges to me.
Check out more about her here: http://www.amandadums.theworldrace.org