Our last month of the World Race is going to be in China and we fly out of Bangkok tomorrow afternoon.  Many of you knew this and were anticipating it, but what you may have not been anticipating is the soon to be almost complete lack of communication from China on this blog.

For security reasons none of us will be able to access the World Race site from mainland China because the government monitors all internet usage and we don’t want to send red flags about what we’re doing there. Any emails sent to me or sent out from my email need to be coded so that any Christian words (God, Jesus, Bible, Christ, Holy, Church, World Race…even Olympics is a key no no word) are not included in an email. The Olympics are going to be held in China in 2008 and so the government is hyper sensitive about any mention of them. They even monitor any groups of white people over seven near Beijing, so we’ll even have to look out for that!

We’ll be able to post from Hong Kong when we arrive and from there at debrief so hopefully I won’t be completely silent on here about China. Please, please be in prayer for all of us as we head into this last country—for safety and discernment and for favor with the Chinese people and government. We don’t want to reveal any of the full-time missionaries we’ll be working with so pray for that as well.

praying for us

These are the kids praying for us at the orphanage in Cambodia before we left.  I hope your prayers are as concentrated as theirs were!  So cute! 🙂 

Seriously though, thanks to everyone who’s been with me throughout this entire journey and I can’t wait to see all my friends and family at home—you are greatly missed and I love you!!

Here’s the lowdown on my schedule for the rest of the year:   (I’m never this organized! right mom?)

Oct 11th                           Fly to Hong Kong from Bangkok

Oct 12th                           Orientation at YWAM in Hong Kong

Oct 13th                           Last Race around Hong Kong

Oct 14th                           Group Meeting and specifics on ministry and training

Oct 15th – Nov 10th          Ministry that’s “off the map”

Nov 11th                            Travel Day to Hong Kong

Nov 12th – 18th                 Debrief in Hong Kong

Nov 19th                          Flight home to LA and then Minneapolis

Nov 20th                         HOME SWEET HOME!

Nov 22nd                        Thanksgiving with the Fam (can’t wait to see you all!)