A week off of work.
A week away from our normal routines.
A week set aside for ministry in a little town I’ve come to love.
Cairo, IL

One week of…
…reunions with old friends at the Cairo House of prayer
…love given freely to the people of Cairo
…cupcakes and juice given out to kids in the McBride projects
…visiting with shut-ins at the High Rise apartments in town
…worship and prayer together when old friends meet new
…meals shared in the midst of testimonies being told and God being exaulted
…VBS with the little ones at the Elmwood projects teaching them about God’s power by creating a wall of Jericho and parading around it shouting as the walls come down
…strategic prayer happening around a town desperate for declarations of hope and restoration
…food given to those without means with smiles and the kindness of Christ
…tutoring students in a school system that has a 75% drop out rate as kids enter high school

Jesus, teach us how to hold one another up. Teach us how to love. Teach us about one another and how you’ve gifted each one. Help us to help each other and to spur on the passions and dreams you’ve deposited in us. Give us your heart for one another. Teach us how to forge ahead in all you have planned for us. Thanks for your grace through the process.