I survived CHINA!! …and…

Great Wall of China

I’ve made it back to Hong Kong!!

Hong Kong

…and I made it in one piece! We’ve got limited internet for the next few days while we’re here at the YWAM base in Hong Kong so expect some blogs coming your way soon about our time in China, but be patient as it may be a few days to get everything together. God was surely faithful to us in our time there–He is working in huge ways in that country. Wow.

Our final debrief is in full swing and it’s hard not to count down the days until I’ll be on American soil, but the feelings are a bit bittersweet; I’ll definitely miss this season of life.

…and… as I stand on the financial side of things concerning the World Race…I still have a few loose ends to tie up equaling about $700. If you’re so inclined to get me home on a plane from China, I’d love the extra help. You can click the red link “Support Me!” right over there on the left and make a quick deposit or send a check into AIM with my name in the memo line. Thanks for all of your support, your blog comments (wink!), and all the love and prayers on my behalf over the year! It’s been an amazing journey!