I don’t even really know this man. I’ve seen him around as we’ve been here in Swaziland doing our monthly debrief. There are tons of people around though so he blends into the crowd. All of Squad A and B are here, plus now the June racers have joined us, the top dogs and all their wives are teaching, and there’s another group from Colorado that’s been pouring into us as well, so it’s no wonder I don’t really take notice of this one obscure man who’s been publicly announced once in a session as a friend who does ministry in South Africa. I think in my head at that time, “Hmm…he doesn’t look South African…no accent…ah well…” No other profound thoughts of him besides that.

It turns out he’s a little more profound than I thought, as one random conversation with him taught me. He’s from Pennsylvania and is now living in South Africa with his wife and family doing ministry as the Lord leads. He tells me that each day is different and the Lord directs them every day. I smile as we converse lightly about the particulars, “yes, I’m a January racer… mhmm…been out for a while, so I know the ropes…nope not really sure what’s up next for us…” I tell him about some of the things that have been difficult, like community living (duh.) and conflicts within our team.

He knowingly looks me in the eyes and nods (he’s got years of experience behind him) and he says to me, ” You know, if you can just hear Jesus even in the midst of all that is going on, whether it’s having 500 people around, conflict issues on your team, whatever, and you can still be obedient to what God is calling
you to do than you’ll be okay.” He continued on saying that yes, it’s really that simple. What are you called to today? Who am I supposed to love? What do you have in store for me today Jesus? Give me eyes to see and ears to hear!

It becomes difficult because we so easily falter when we take our eyes off Jesus. It’s easy up until the point that we loose our focus. When we start to see the situation instead of God in the situation we loose it—we loose our focus and we loose our minds! We need to continually see what God is doing.

Don’t take your eyes off Jesus. Look for people to love. Sow what you want to reap. If I want to hear encouraging words from other people (and I do!) I need to start encouraging my brothers and sisters and not tearing them down (even in my thoughts!). What is He calling me to do today…in this moment? Don’t move away from this and into anger and frustration. This will never help. Learn to love. Extend grace. Never stop giving what you have to give. Perk up your ears to listen and then obey.




It really is that simple. God really will speak to you and He will show you what He’s doing…who even that one person is that He wants you to love today.

Tom smiled and patted my shoulder saying, “You know, I didn’t come in here to do any great thing—I don’t need that exaltation anymore—but I do need to love and boy, I love you guys! You’re doing great kid, keep listening.”

It’s amazing what a ten minute conversation can mean as one person comes in the door and meets another in the hallway of a house over 75 people are sharing in the middle of Swaziland. I was one person Tom was called to love that day and he was obedient to encourage and uplift me…now who is that person for me today…and who is that person for you? Will we listen for the answer even through the muck and all the distractions of our lives to really be Jesus to someone, to encourage, to love? Let’s not loose our focus. Jesus, help us all to love!