There are just some things that you want to remember after being in a place for a month. So this blog is dedicated to the things that will stick in my brain forever and the stories that recap it all…

I’ll always remember that 40 hour bus ride just to enter the city of Palenque and then the foot race up the tallest Mayan Ruin bright and early in the a.m. to finish the race. With all that time on a bus and time waiting in bus stations, our team really bonded. The race created unity for us as a team and I loved the fact that I was finally one of those people in a bus station, just sitting around someone with a guitar and singing it out. We weren’t playing for money—we just needed to praise our Lord through everything.

Mexico really showed me God’s faithfulness—there were so many times that we got to see God provide for us in our needs. For example, we had no place to stay only days after the media team and Chad, our team leader, arrived in Palenque. They randomly met a pastor who ran a bible school near town who let us stay at his school for our first week in town. Many thanks to Eliazar and his wife Marta for letting us stay at the amazing Shekinah Bible School—we love you! Both A and B squads received amazing training during our first week at Shekinah—a big thank you to Andrew, Gary, and Seth for being with us and for your impartation. We needed this strong start!

A few days before we needed to leave the bible school so students could come and have classes, the pastor we were going to partner with in ministry for the rest of the month backed out on our plans. With no where to go in a new city we turned to prayer and God blessed us so abundantly. Again Chad randomly hooked up with Pastor Nestor and his wife Selena who warmly accepted us into their little church. They allowed us to sleep on their floor, set up our tents on the lawn, and use their water supply for our showers (which unfortunately was not always the most reliable…but a blessing nonetheless…) It was amazing to see the hearts of these amazing servants as we ministered alongside of them. The pastor pretty much handed over the reins to all aspects of his church to us, so we found ourselves planning church services, kid’s ministry, and preaching appointments in people’s homes.

Pastor Nestor told us mid-week during a prayer meeting that he had a dream about his church accepting foreigners and loving them as brothers. He explained that he thought this dream would never be realized because missionaries hardly ever came to his church and if they did they never stayed for more than a few days or even a few hours for a Sunday service. He felt that his church needed a fresh word from the Lord and he knew instantly when he met us that we were an answer to his prayer that God would revive his church and his community. Selena also told us that she knew God was calling them to impact the nations for Christ, but she also was unsure of how this would ever happen. Tears formed in her eyes as she told us that
we were how they were going to reach the nations. She told us it was no coincidence that their church, Iglesia de Olivo, was the first stop on our race around the world—she assured us that their prayers would be with us as we continued to love the world for Christ. I can’t get over how huge this couple’s hearts are. Selena slaved in the kitchen everyday cooking us three meals a day. How blessed were we to have amazing, hot, home-cooked Mexican food every day?? Wow. I know I’ll miss Selena’s salsa…mmm…

Ministry Recap
During our Squad B debrief a few awards were given out and Shawna and I were given the “working to put AA out of business award.” Why we were given this award? Well…it seemed like every time we walked back to the church after a day out around the community, we brought back a drunk man. We never intentionally went out seeking this, but it seemed like God continually put people in our path that really needed and were desiring something more from their life. The pain and helplessness were so evident in their eyes as we talked with them. It was funny how we stumbled around with our Spanish as much as they physically stumbled around on their feet. God uses us wherever we’re at! Ministering with the homeless and the alcoholics on the street actually turned out to be my favorite ministry in Mexico. I loved seeing the point where these broken people let everything go and finally broke completely and allowed God to change them.

One of these men, named Salud, will forever be in my heart. I want to tell the whole story, but this blog is already getting long…so just check out Steph’s blog here: She wrote an amazing story and has some great pics too! The pinnacle of this ministry for me was seeing Pastor Nestor embrace Salud as a son and a brother. After Salud came to know the Lord that first night at church and as he continued to return to the church every night for more teaching, my constant prayer was that the people of this church would embrace him and show him love. I know that he felt loved and accepted by the world racers, but he needed to be embraced by those people that will be a part of his life for more than a few weeks. My heart broke with the joy of the Lord as I watched Pastor Nestor embrace Salud after a prayer time at a home bible study group. We were all praying in a circle and Pastor Nestor walked straight toward Salud, grabbed him warmly by the face and brought him close to speak words of life into him. He sobbed as he spoke to this man with their foreheads together. I couldn’t stop the tears from falling either. This was the picture of grace. This was the picture of discipleship and love. This moment will be forever etched in my mind. Later we found out that Salud had actually stolen from the church a few years ago and yet Selena and Pastor Nestor embraced him. Please pray for our new brother Salud and this amazing church in Palenque. They have all touched my heart in ways I never even expected.

There’s been so much more and I’m thinking this hasn’t been a really good recap…but it’s what sticks out to me as important…so I leave you with that. Viva a Mexico!


This is Sanchez praising the Lord–he came in the day after his buddy Salud came.

These are our three amigos–Salud is the one in the center–he ended up bringing a few of his buddies with him to the service the next night and all three were set free!!  Jose Luis, on the right broke off a Mayan charm necklace that was around his neck too symbolizing his freedom in Christ.  It was so powerful when he yelled out Liberdad!! (freedom!!) as he prayed with Selena. 

This is Steph and I with another friend we met on the street.  I saw this man´s toes peeking out of his tattered and worn shoes and knew that I could at least buy him some shoes.  I passed him on the street, pondered what I should do, if anything, and walked three blocks before I turned back around to talk with him.  I´m so glad I did.  He was filled with joy and moved to tears as we prayed together and as he turned his heart toward God.  Love is such a powerful thing.