It’s only the second day of training here in Matamoros, Mexico at the AIM base and I’ve already been able to crank out a blog per day. That’s pretty impressive says me. I figure if I’m going at it with this much gusto at the beginning, by the end I’ll be in a good pattern of maybe once a week…if I feel like it… We’ll see how long this blog wind blows! 🙂

Speaking of wind, God showed me a little something this morning in the wind and I’d like to share it with you all. As our first “real” day of training we’ve been given most of the day (yes I said
day) to seek the Lord in prayer. So this is alone time, no talking time, just you and God time—and it’s been amazing so far! We’ve all scattered around with our bibles and journals just sitting in the Mexican sunshine and inquiring after the heart of the Lord. So, here is what I wrote in my journal only a few short hours ago:

Perhaps God you’re showing me a modern day parable right here in this field in Matamoros? [Fellow World Racer] Jake Rodriguez brought out a kite to fly in the cool morning breeze and I have a perfect view of it from my quant little grove of baby trees. I’ve got my therm-a-rest propped up against a cluster of trees making a perfect outdoors recliner, a Mexican woven blanket (once called our tablecloth) warms me from the cool chill of the breeze, the sun warms my back, and I sit—contentedly watching a colorful kite scamper in the bright blue sky before me.

I glance at Jake and to my surprise he’s laying down with his Indiana Jones-type hat propped on his head like an old Western hero in a movie. I’m surprised because he’s not doing
anything with that kite. He’s got it gripped firmly in one hand, but is doing nothing else to make it dance in the sky. No running around to entice it to dive and swirl, no back breaking effort at all really. This kite is taken by the wind, and I surmise Jake is content to just hold on and watch the kite flit around before his eyes.

As I sit and enjoy the flight of the little kite as well, I am reminded of the power of our God and the way he works. His desire for us is to be like Jake—standing (not running) but with a firm grasp on the end of that kite string. That is all he asks of us really.
Will you stand? Will you hold on to me? Will you just let my power be displayed before your eyes?

I realize Jake couldn’t make this kite fly if there weren’t any wind today. It would be quite a comical picture to see him trying to get the little plastic thing airborne if there were no breeze to lift it. How often do we try to do things without the power of God behind us? How many ministries spin their wheels in an unsuccessful plight to do and plan things that God is not even a part of? We must learn to feel where the Spirit is moving—like Jake sensed the wind blowing this morning and wisely decided on flying his kite. He knew the wind would be behind him just like we can know if God is behind us, but we must discern this. We must ask. We need to look to see where the Spirit of God is already blowing and ask if this is a good place for us to fly our kites, so to speak.

When we go about our ministries, and even our lives in this fashion, I don’t think we would see so many stressed and burnt out people. We need to learn how to rest in him—to stand firm in His love, His word, but let HIM come in and move in power just like the wind came to give life to this kite. Our God is a life breathing God. He is powerful and full of majesty. I think He wants us to be able to stand with our eyes towards the sky and watch the spectacle He has to show us. He wants to move! He
will show up in power if we
stop all of our running around, connect with him, and simply allow Him to work. I know I’d be much more content to rest in Him and gaze into the sky to see the display of His work, than to try so hard with my face to the ground tangled up with kite strings and miss the marvel that is happening in the sky. Wouldn’t you?

Please pray for our team and for discernment in our ministry. I want to go where He is going and do the work that He has already started in these countries. Will you partner with me in prayer for this? We need HIS direction and not our own great plans.