Hello Friends and Family!

For those of you who may not know me, my name is Amanda Michelle Duffy. I am 20 years young (soon to be 21), currently enrolled as a student at Angelo State University as a Social Work major with a minor in Criminal Justice. I was born and raised in San Antonio texas and have amazing friends and family who I can always count on that love and support me no matter what.  I am a part of the wonderful organization Sigma Kappa Sorority and currently employed as a nanny.

Although my life is full of blessings and opportunities, I have experienced a since of longing for something more, feelings that I am just going with the motions, and fears that I am not living my life to its full capacity and potential. Having these feelings and being discontent with what I was/am doing and going with my life, I started heavily praying to God and asking for guidence, talked with family and friends, and did some serious soul searching. It soon became clear to me what I needed to do, and I had no hesitation in doing it. I broke off my engagement, dropped to part time in school, and moved home to be closer to family and pursue a new direction in my life. You are probably asking why I would make such big changes in my life so suddenly and heres the answer.
After much praying, God made it clear what HE wanted me to do, and that was to restore my relationship with him, and live my life serving him and his people. That is why I have decided to take a break from school and participate in The World Race visiting 11 countries in 11 months, and thus, the reason I am writing this blog. The countries I will be traveling to include: Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Nepal, Cambodia, Thailand, India, Puerto Rico, Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Philippines.

I want to use this experience to grow as a person, a Christian, and a servant. I want to be able to make a bigger difference in peoples lives and to spread the gospel and love of my God. I want to bring light to darkness, hope to the weary, faith to the unsure, and most of all love and compassion especially to those who feel or believe they are undeserving.

To fulfill this dream, this journey, this calling of God, I am askind and I NEED for all my friends and family, and friends of friends and family to help and supoort me the entire way. You can do this in several ways. For starters, you can spread the word of what I am doing and tell anyone and everyone you may possibly know. Follow me on this endeavor and support me financially or with prayer. Pray for my travels, my teammates, the people we will be meeting, my funding for this trip, for health and whatever else we might encounter or endure. You can support me with funding by sponsoring me each month or a simple one-time donation. Anything will help and will be appreciated!

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and a big thanks in advance for whatever you can do to support me. May God bless you and keep you.

Until next time! Yours Truly,
Amanda Duffy