<——————————-Sign up here Fundraising Total amount I have to raise=$15,500 I will need to have $3,500 in my account before I go to training camp in late spring I will need to have $6,500 in my account by June 21 I will need to have $11,000 in my account by September 20 I will need to have the full $15,500 in my account by Dec 21 The $15,500 price tag includes all my food, lodging and transportation costs while I’m on the race as well as some various costs for ministry materials while we are in each country. The $15,500 cost does NOT include my flight to training camp, my flight to/from the start/end point (most likely Miami, Houston or LA), medical insurance for the year (approx. $320), visas, vaccinations, or any additional costs I incur while traveling. Don’t have the money to help? Well, firstly I would like to say EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS. Really it does, but prayer also helps a heck of a lot and I could use that as well. I also want to share with you a really cool way you can give without giving a bunch of money all at one time. Adventures in Missions (The World Race) has an awesome monthly gift option. So even if you could only give $5 a month, from now until next December that equals up to $70 which is a significant help. So you feel like helping? You can click the SUPPORT ME link on the left hand side and it will take you through all the steps. Another side of fundraising are physical fundraisers and I have a few of those in the works, so keep and eye out, I have one coming up really soon! …and all that jazz To sum it up this will be a year of challenges. Of living out of my comfort zone both literally and mentally. But the thought of this doesn’t scare me. I want to be broken and used so that I can eventually change and come back to live a life that is both full of purpose and inspiring. I also know that more than the challenges this will be a year of hope. Hope for the families we will serve. Hope for the orphans we will play with. Hope for the hungry we will feed. Hope for the lost who will find Jesus. Hope for the prostitutes who felt stuck. Hope. So will you come on this wacky, wild, emotional, inspirational, uplifting, life changing adventure with me?