That’s right everybody, team Battlecry officially has fleas.   It all started tuesday morning.  After spending our first night in Conocoto, Lauren (aka Dori) woke up with a huge swollen bug bite on her leg.  As the week progressed  she gained more everyday and the rest of us found we were covered with small red scabbed bites.  We attributed these to particularly heinous mosquitos, but yesterday an American missionary who works with Incalink came to help translate for us.  When we told him about the bites he was certain they were flea bites, and today, Google confirmed.  The last thing I thought we’d have to worry about on the race was flea bites!  Mosquitos yes, but fleas?  And the craziest thing is I have yet to see one.  They’re tricky little buggers!  So for now we’re spending our off day at Incalinks house in Quito called Casablanca, then tomorrow morning it’s back to Conocoto for church and to figure out what to do about the fleas!

Some flea bites on my hand then there’s many more on all of our legs!