The front of Hospital of Hope aka Hospitales de Esperanza.  The two story building on the right is the waiting room,cafe and offices.  To the left of that are doctors exam rooms and off the side to the far left is the ER.
Looking toward the hospital from our house behind it.
The amazing house we lived in for the month, with Tunari, the biggest peak in the area in the background.
On our first day we were asked to be in the local villages parade.  We all chose scrubs from the hospitals collection and immediately took to our pretend rolls as “Doctoras” and “Nurses.”
English class for the hospital staff at the hospitals cafe.
The Christo statue in Cochabamba watches over the entire valley from the top of a hill.  He’s the tallest Jesus statue in the world, coming in a few centimeters taller than the world famous Jesus statue in Rio de Janero.
Dancing and worship time at the Christo statue.
Precious Laura in the pediatric unit at Viedma Hospital.
Walking up to Anacoraire, our local Quechua village.
Painting the ceiling of our first classroom at the Anacoraire School.
Walking up to the school to paint with some of the local children.  They loved the come with us and would always write us notes telling us how thankful they were that we were painting their school.
These kids were so much fun, I took picture after picture after picture.
I never learned his name, but this little boy was absolutely adorable.
These kids usually stole me away from my painting duties to take pictures with them, but I definitely didn’t mind!