On the final day of team selections I was put in an all girl group.  None of us liked it.  In fact we all voiced our opinions quite loudly, but our pleas didn’t work.  All but one of us ended up on an all girl team and you wanna know something funny? Looking at it now, I couldn’t imagine being on any other team.  
So here we are…

So why Battle Cry?  Well, the night we were put in our teams we were told to go out and make a memory.  After driving for what seemed like forever we found ourselves in a Mexican Restaurant.  We knew we needed to come up with a team name so we sat on it for a little bit.  Then a couple of the girls said they saw us as warriors, that although we might be underestimated we are strong in Christ and he is going to do great things through us.  Then Kaitlyn said she saw us on a hill overlooking a city with our arms raised, calling out to God for them, it was as if we were going into a battle and we were there to win.  When Kaitlyn suggested Battle Cry we all got chills and instantly knew it was our name.  

Out of that came our description if you will,  “The women of “Team Battle Cry” are called to be warriors. We ARE brave, strong, courageous, prayerful, and fighting for the lost, broken, and hurting people of the world. We have not been called to live the American dream, but to RISE UP and be a generation of change. We don’t enter the nations in silence, but with a Battle Cry for the King… He WILL be made known.”

Wow, just, wow.

We are team Battle Cry.  A team of powerful women, and I want you to get to know each one.

Kaitlyn Wright is our fearless leader.  She is one of the kindest and most genuine women I have ever met.  I think a lot of people underestimate her when they first meet her, but this girl can kick some serious butt!  With a degree in Construction Management she’s not your average chick, oh and did I mention she tackled the gallon challenge?  Not everyone can do that!

Meg Montgomery is what many would call a baby Christian, having only come to Christ a little more that a year ago, but she has a fire that I am jealous of.  Although she struggles she has a life story I believe will help change the lives of everyone she meets.  People are going to love her everywhere we go.

Kim Butler is truly a type A personality and it’s a good thing because I don’t know if any of the reset of us are. Months ago we planned a fundraising video together and she jumped up and took the reigns (and I mean that in a positive way, we needed it!).  She is also ridiculously honest, but has no desire to hurt, only empower.  Over the year she is going to keep or disorganized butts on track and keep us motivated!

Ashley Huber is loud and awesome. She comes in a pint size package but she is strong and smart.  Like Meg she has a pretty amazing testimony about how God turned her life around.  She is the one who is always going to have a smile to cheer us up when we’re down and discouraged. 

Lauren Erb has spirit that is truly unique.  She continually cracks me up but even more apparent is her heart.  Nobody guessed she’s only been a Christian since 2008 because she’s so on fire.  This is the girl that when she found out about Jesus was so excited that she rode around town on a children’s bike telling everyone she met about him.  I am really excited to serve along side Lauren, she’s got spiritual gifts out the wazoo and Christ is going to change lives through her.

 And finally there Me.  I can’t say what my role is yet, that for the others to see, but I am so excited to be a warrior for Christ along side these ladies!