Would it be cheesy to say I expect the unexpected?  Seriously though, as I sat down to consider my expectations for the World Race I found that I had many more than I well,…… expected.


So lets see, I expect:



 To be uncomfortable

To feel dirty, be dirty and smell dirty more often that I’d like to admit

To walk, walk and walk some more

To eat A LOT of rice.  Brown, white, fried steamed, all of it.

To tackle my fears head on and feel the power of victory through Christ

To be confronted with strange new (and sometimes disgusting) foods AND to get sick of PB&J

To learn the true value of a clean bathroom

To grasp a basic understanding of multiple languages AND find myself mixing them up on several occasions

To break/loose something of value (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t be my IPOD!

To at some point have to preach/speak in front of a fairly large group and actually have to maintain a coherent train of thought

To form lifelong bonds and deep connections

To live consistently out of my comfort zone

To become a pro at sleeping on a bus, train, plane, van, ox cart or any other form of transportation we may use

To grow close to, dive into and rely on the word

To be surprised

To feel unsettled

To see joy on children’s faces and pain on others

To feel compelled.  Compelled to help.  Compelled to love.  Compelled to serve.

To be reaffirmed of my invest in quality gear

To be consistently inspired

To be left speechless

To spend many hours, if not days, on a bus

To be overwhelmed by God, situations, people, love, truth, compassion, kindness and nature

To hate every piece of clothing I own by month 11

To work hard

To drink luke-warm beverages more often than not

To be pushed, challenged and evaluated critically by my teammates, all out of love.


And when all is said and done I expect to be changed.