Sometimes, I like to let my pictures do the talking so here’s a taste of our first month of ministry on the World Race in Conocoto, Ecuador.

In Conocoto on our first day on the road in front of the church.
To say Conocoto is ridiculously gorgeous would be an understatement.
On our first day at the new church site the only part up were the bathrooms
But now every wall stands tall, after hours of hard work stacking and filling blocks
Then we had to help dig the deep septic hole. I hauled the dirt up
Back in the Iglesia I helped Vanessa bake/make bread
Most afternoons we played and colored with the kids. This little cuties name we never really found out so he was nicknamed Scout.
We also semi-adopted a puppy which we dubbed Pinky, thanks to the pink toenails she had when she found us.
We woke up after a cold and rainy night to find the nearby mountains topped with snow.
This hailstorm was incredible, incredibly loud on our corrugated tin roof that is.
Pastor Rafael preaching on Sunday.
Stay tuned for Part 2!