May Madness!

I can’t believe it, but it is already May! After 2 nights of
train travel we have safely made it to our final country and ministry location
in Penag, Malaysia. I am entering this month with bitter-sweet emotions about
this journey coming to a close, but am ready to work hard and fully experience
and give all that the Lord has to offer.

Thus far, we have explored the area for a day or so, rested
up from our travel days, and had an orientation briefing about our ministry for
the month. I will be working at a homeless drop in shelter and street outreach
center probably preparing meals and helping with whatever needs to be done. We
are working with YWAM which houses many ministry opportunities here, so our
group (we have 3 teams working together) will be all over the town and probably
getting a taste of a variety of things from hospital volunteer work to teaching
English. It seems like a cultural melting pot of sorts here which is nice to
see and ironic that it is the accumulation of our past 3 months meshed together
here. So, so far, so good!

April Adventures and such.

A bit to wrap up month 10… Our ministry finished strong as
we were able to complete the ditch we were working on, build a wall, and work
on a chicken coop. We left with many new friendships from all the girls and
staff and volunteers at Remember Nhu. Mixing cement and pouring it everyday
wasn’t exactly what I had envisioned Thailand to be like, but it was definitely
one of my more favorite months  and
I found joy in our manual labor and loved getting to hangout with all the girls
at the home everyday.

I also had a Thai birthday! I worked in the morning, had
some rest, went into town and found a Starbucks 🙂,
enjoyed a meal complete with sticky rice made by my house mom, and got a about
30 hugs and birthday cards from the girls! I never imagined having a birthday
in Thailand, but it was so good!

Here are a few pictures from our off days this past month.
We had the chance to ride elephants, be a part of Songkron- the Thai New Year
when the entire country turns into a huge water fight, visit an orchid garden
and enjoy some starbucks and relax!