So it has been a while since an update and it is already the end of month two and start of month three! This past month in Haiti was good, sweaty, and challenging in many different ways. We continued spending time with the children doing VBS on the weekends and hanging out during the days. I took on teaching English which was a lot of fun. It made me wish I had paid even more attention in my French classes, but we made it and had fun with it. We also were fortunate enough to go on a couple afternoon trips, one to the mountains and one to the beach. One weekend off we even made it out to Jacmel and stayed at a beach house and went to a waterfall. It was incredible to see all the natural beauty that Haiti has. 

In the past several days I’ve done some processing about our time in Haiti and thought I’d share the highlight to give a better picture of all things Haiti! So, here it a nutshell. 
     What God has taught me about him: How faithful he is and how he can and will always comfort and provide. Several times I thought, how in the world will I survive this month! And God always provided the right comforts or burst of energy or passion to push through. 
     What God has taught me about me: I have lots of strength. All in him. But lots of it and can do this and do it with steadfast joy. 
     Favorite view: The white rock beach with blue water and mountains in the background and then the view driving through the mountains. 
     Favorite food: Fresh fried chicken and roots/bread fruit.
Least favorite: Fish (the whole shibang) / mystery breakfast meat that sorta looked like fried spam 
     Team challenge/personal challenges: Creating structure for our ministry time at the orphanage and figuring out what it looks like to live where you work along with learning more about each other and the community lifestyle since it was our first month with just the 6 of us. 
     Team bonding moments: Chasing the tents across the roof as the storms blew threw and then later dumping water out of our tents. Going to Jacmel beach and seeing the waterfall/jumping off it. Watching Glee. lots 
     Favorite memories/moments: MaryFlo- our cook at the orphanage- she had the most warming smile and gave me the biggest hugs. Tricia- a little girl about 2 and a half who would take her afternoon nap in my arms as I rocked her outside under a tree. Making no baked cookies for the kids. Dance parties in the house with all the kids!        Random facts about Haiti/life in the orphanage: You eat whenever they give you food. even if it is spaghetti with hotdogs and hour after breakfast or hot soup in 100+ weather in the afternoon. Peanut butter goes on everything (our team can down a jar in a day, no problem). Taptaps are the local form of transportation and are quite the experience. Transportation in general is an experience ..and really quite scary. You can find Pringles and Gatorade pretty much anywhere.

So, theres a bit of all the things that have been going on! Thanks for the continued prayers and love! We are currently in Ireland (and have been for the past several days) wrapping up Awakening conference and time of debrief and will be heading off to Moldova on Monday- via flying to Hungary. More details to come! Till then, here a picture of one of my most favorite views from Haiti!