I often times find that witnessing to people is awkward. Sometimes even intimidating. I find myself thinking "Oh, man. What if I say something completely nuts and they think I've gone mad?" The thought of failure scares me…. A lot.
I ran into an old friend the other day, and we began talking about what we were doing with our lives. As I finished telling her about this incredible journey that I'm about to go on, and how excited I am, she sort of giggled and then straight faced, said to me, "Amanda, do you really expect to change the world by going on this ridiculous trip and doing these ridiculous things." I was speechless for a minute as I noticed she was serious. "No." I replied without even thinking. "But I expect that God will." It was at that moment that my view on things changed.
You see, I'm not a missionary because I have to be. I'm not a missionary because my family and friends are pushing me to try new things. I'm not even a missionary because 'I feel like it'. No. I'm a missionary because, although there are plenty of other things I could be doing with my life, there is nothing I'd rather be doing more than reaching the world for Jesus Christ. We, as Christians with a relationship with the one true God, are always talking about the second coming when HALF the world hasn't even heard of the first. Call me crazy, but my heart breaks for those people… I didn't sign up for the World Race because I thought it would be fun, or because I wanted to travel the world (although that came to mind). I signed up because we are all called to "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation." My goal is to seek the lost and bring them back home to Christ. Bring them back home, where believe it or not, they long to be.
And that… is why I'm a missionary.