I feel heavy with thoughts going through my mind
Everyone is supposed to have their own
opinions and feelings and thoughts about life,
this world,
this planet,
and everything that goes along with all of that.
We aren't supposed to voice them;
we're not supposed to feel strongly about them.
Not if it shows or indicates that we are our own person.

I'm to blame as well
for the judgment of others..
how I feel strongly if they don't agree
with me.
Let's face it,
since you have your VERY OWN brain;
since you have your VERY OWN mind,
you feel strongly about some things.
And more than that one person you've talked to
agrees with your view.
It's all over the media.
You've been raised to think this way
that way.
You think that's the way its SUPPOSED to be.

You either have the "All American Dream"
or you're living the life unseen. 

You're SUPPOSED to have a job
You're SUPPOSED to get married
You're SUPPOSED to have certain feelings
on religion and politics.
You're SUPPOSED to be "unified"
And the ones not "unified"
are only excepted in their own "kind"

I'm 21.
I apply what I need to my generation.
We're a whole entire breed of different.
Different thinkers. 
Different feelers.
Its our time.
The "Untraditional Generation"

Tattoos and piercings.
Having kids with all kinds of different people.
We like to be loud.
Live life to the fullest.
YOLO before it was in a song.
We do things differently.

Some other generations believe that we are weak.
We don't do what we are "SUPPOSED" to do. 
We want what we want.
To each it's own.
That's why we are who we are.
The "Untraditional Generation".
We stepped away from the norm
We do what our minds and hearts feel right.
Status Quo? No.
Do what you do. 
Step out. Go for it.
Be you.
Your own kind of person.

Or don't. 
You choose.
You are your own influence.
You are responsible.

Civilization is only here because one day
Someone woke up and made it happen. 
To unmake it would be a miracle.
To adapt or reinvent is genius in itself.
Without adaptability and diversity
you're a sitting duck
waiting to be taken away from this world.
We have to thrive to survive.

I'm a grammar teachers favorite person.
Corrections and entertainment.
But I want to make a difference.
I was raised around old society
But I am still B.
Be a leader.
Not a follower. 
If you're not one of the "big dogs"
You're scooping up their poop.

Rant Over…