"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.
Do what it says." James 1:22 (NIV)


When Jesus calls us to something, he doesn't ask about our day. He doesn't ask us about our present. He doesn't ask us to rationalize it by our past. He just asks us to get off our donkey.  We are not called to hear the word.  We are not called to memorize the word.  We are called to DO the word.

I was driving home from work today when I saw a man sitting on the side of the road with a sign that said"

"Homeless. Anything Helps."
Usually, I would just drive right past and go about my day.  But something stirred in my heart and a small whisper connected to my eardrums.  "Go. He is who I have called you to." 

His name is Tom. I didn't get to talk to him for very long because he didn't have a whole lot to say.  I introduced myself and gave him the bag of things I had purchased at the gas station.  His eyes lit up and a smile smeared across his face.  I was about to walk away when God checked my heart… "What on earth are you doing?  Pray with him, you noob!!"  Exact words, I kid you not!  So I placed my hand on his shoulder and words just started flowing out of my mouth.  We prayed for healing of a broken heart, and for opportunity to come knocking at the door and flying through the windows.  We prayed for peace in his life and for a renewed hope.  

The Kingdom of God will never be found on the back of a mule.  It will always be found with your knees on the ground, getting your hands dirty in the world, and bringing the love of Christ to all who live in it.  Let yourself be inconvenienced when someones desperation becomes a demand. 

Think of the Good Samaritain.  No one would have remembered him if he just had good intentions.  We all have those, but they go forgotten because we don't do anything with them.  Open up your heart.  Open up you life.  BE the person God is calling you to be.  He's got the rest!


God, I am here… Wreck Me!
God, I am here… Change Me!
I have so much going on in my
life.  I got places to go, people to
see and problems to solve.  There's
so much to do, but God, there are half
dead people spiritually laying all
over the ground in front of me. 
Give me your heart to love them;
Your eyes to see them; Your words
to speak into them; Your ears to hear
their cries; Your feet to go to where they are!
Break my heart for what breaks yours.
You have called the imperfect and unlovely.
You have called the broken and the bruised.
I'm here… And I'm taking a chance!


A special thanks to Pastor Terry Parkman (Evangel AG) for planting these ideas in my mind.