It’s not illogical to have fears about re-entry after the Race. The stress of leaving what has now become comfortable and regular, and returning to a life where you’re not surrounded by 5 or 6 other people 24 hours of the day is completely normal. Skeptical thoughts of eating greasy American cuisine that you couldn’t imagine living without 11 months ago is quite alright.

But not everyone has the “Nightmare Re-Entry” that I thought I was going to have. No, a lot of people, actually, ease back into life as smoothly as melted butter on a freshly toasted bagel. Yeah, it can be that easy. 

I am fortunate enough to be one of those buttery bagel people. I have been back home for a little over a week now, and I am extremely happy and content with the way I have and am still being welcomed back into life. My friends and family are surprisingly interested and patient with my transition. I haven’t been bombarded with questions, left and right, but people are willing to listen to me rave about my adventures. My world is genuinely intrigued by my story.

In 11 months my world flipped upside down.

In 11 months I experienced what true happiness is.

In 11 months my heart was broken for the poor.

In 11 months I gained new respect for street kids.

In 11 months I prayed with people raised in over 11 different cultures.

In 11 months I saw Jesus’ work done by human hands.

In 11 months I participated in that work.

In 11 months I traveled the world. I found myself. I redefined my faith. I fell in love with God again.


My life will never be the same. This world will never look the same. And I am so blessed to have a community surrounding me that understands, or is at least trying to understand, the incredible change that has happened in just 11 months.