It’s almost time to go.

It’s not the calendar that reminds me but the feeling in my heart. The fullness. The joy. The peace. It’s the sparkle in the eyes and the laughter of the soul. His love feeding my love. His warm hand holding me close. 

How Great is Our God. Wonderful. Merciful. The name above all names. He is mighty to save. 


I hope you encounter the Lord this year. He’s full of surprises. He might break you into a mess at church. Maybe show up at the local Subway. He may be seen in the midst of duress or perhaps when you are all alone. He might treat you to a Starbucks or whisper forgiveness in the darkest of places.  I hope you keep your heart searching. He’s there. And finding him is so worth it. No gem can compare. No relationship is worth more. His love will beckon you to the uncomfortable places, to the root of the trouble, to the deepest of hurts. And there you will find…


that those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. 

Isaiah 40:31